Buddy for Emerging Trends Scanning (BETS)

Scans the Ocean of Information, so You can focus on the Signals

Hello Friend!

Instead of using a backend database, we are using GoogleSheets to store data, as well as allowing the editor to work on the sheets to populate his/her editorial comments.

We use Google AppScript to extract the returns from the Focused Search Engine, filter out duplicated and/or irrelevant returns, and store in the Google Sheets. The script is programmed to run everytime the page is opened, and shows the returns in the last 7 days.

We have hard-coded the keywords used for filtering in the Appscript for specific purpose in IMDA, but we will work on a form where the editor can adjust these filtering methods easily.

Click to work on GoogleSheets in a new window, and to inspect the AppScript.

Upcoming Features

With a paid subscription, we can deploy Google AppSheet that creates a Packaged WebApp based on data in GoogleSheets.