BETS is conceptualised as a maintenence-less platform that is "effective enough" for you. The Architecutre is designed to avoid back-end Codes that someone has to patch and maintain. Instead, we have used Back-end web-Services and productivity software as components as much as possible. This Architecutre is not meant to scale! But we think it should work well for small group of users that are not quite software developers but savvy-enough users who can mavigate forms and spreadsheets.
The current version is a prototype, but we do have ambitions to introduce even more features. For example, it might be possible to use Google WebApp services to directly convert a spreadsheet into a Readable interface on a mobile device. When Google releases APIs for NotebookLM, we might be able to automate the download of articles into NotebookLM, but also produce podcasts for the target consumer. These may come with recurrent subscription cost, but they are promising. 😊 😊
The envisaged architecture is shown below. Dash-connectors are yet to be implemented, but stay tuned!